
About this page

Fascopedia is a discontinued project of mine which was built to be a small wiki providing in-depth historical research about the origins and aspects of fascism as it existed in the 20th century. The aim of the project was to provide a more academically focused study of Fascism which was freely available to the public. I felt that public education about Fascism was lacking in quality and quantity, and I feel that to combat Fascism today there needs to be proper and widespread education about what it is and how it operates. The project began in December of 2023, during which time I completed one article on the origins of Fascism and began writing a larger article about the history of Italian Fascism. In February of 2024 I decided to transition away from Fascopedia as an informal project and instead make my study of Italian Fascism into my undergraduate thesis paper in university. Unfortunately, that led to the decision for me to discontinue Fascopedia as a website and to instead focus on writing what became a 24-page formal paper on the genocide the Italian Fascists committed in Libya in the 1920s and ‘30s. I am still proud of what I made on this website, and so I am leaving it up for anybody to browse. I am also adding a page where you can read the paper I wrote about Libya, although you should be aware that this is a piece of formal historical academic writing and so it will be less accessible than the short origins article. I still plan on creating new websites about history in the future, and possibly resuming work on this in the long-term, and I will be providing updates on those projects to anybody who is interested. Thank you for reading anything on this website, I deeply appreciate anybody who finds interest in the history I love researching.

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Articles on this Site

The Origins of Fascism

State and Genocide in Italian Libya

Resources for building a website

Recent Updates

At the moment I plan on adding at least one article to this website every month. Currently working on: writing Italian Fascism page.